Relationship between Anthropometric parameters and Physical fitness in learners with visual impairment at the University of Jos

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.03.01.Art006

Authors : Olawuwo S.O, Yakubu A.F, Rasaki S.A


Physical activity plays an important role in prevention of chronic diseases; insight into the interaction between physical activity and health need to be quantified. The research goal was to investigate relationship between anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in learners with visual impairment. Twenty one male students with various degree of visual impairment participated (aged: 24-51 years) and tested on (1) six anthropometric predictors, including body weight, body height, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference and waist-to hip ratio (WHR), and (2) five Physical Fitness Factors (PFF) measuring: Heat rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, right and left grip strength, flexibility and Aerobic endurance. Correlation and survey research design was adopted for the study. Descriptive statistic (mean, S.D) and inferential statistic (Pearson correlation and regression) were computed with SPSS version 20. Linear (y = a + bx) and multiple linear (y = a + bx + bx …..bnxn) equations were calculated to determine the degree of association and predict PFF from respective anthropometric variables. All anthropometric parameters produced an extremely weak relationship with physical fitness factors. In this study, no association is found between body weight and systolic blood pressure, no relationship between hip circumference and static right grip strength. Considering the goal of this research, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between health’s related anthropometric measure and physical fitness factors. Then we can use these measurements to predict values in any of the physical fitness components because the techniques are non-invasive and cost effective.


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