The Price of Transparency: How Exposing Personal Information in Mobile Money Transactions Fuels Social Engineering in Ghana

Communications technologies such as
2G, 3G, 4G and 5G define a significant portion of today’s cyberspace and has
attracted innovative value-added services and financial technologies such as
mobile money (MM) transactions. The success of MM introduction in Kenya has
significantly influenced its global adoption in other developing countries,
such as Ghana. While MM systems are widely studied for their economic
transformation impact within the Ghanaian context, this paper hypothesised
that, there is limited research on its contribution to widening the attack
surface of social engineering (SE) attacks as a result of its exposure of
personally identifiable information (PII) during transactions. The paper
explored the hypothesis with a quantitative methodology adopted with primary
data collected through questionnaires designed to capture user experiences,
perceptions, and insights on privacy and security concerns during MM
transactions. The findings confirmed the hypothesis: 96.7% of respondents
acknowledged that their PII is visible to recipients during transactions, and
76.7% believed this exposure increases their vulnerability to scams.
Additionally, 48.3% reported experiencing phishing attempts or suspicious
behaviour where their PII was referenced after MM transaction.
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