Association between Perceived Health Risks of Smoking and Cessation Intent among Youths in the Gambia: Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2017

Smoking is a major risk factor of
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs); and as such it is important to understand and
leverage on factors that influence cessation intent. This study examined the
relationship between intention to quit, perceived health risks of smoking and
other relevant covariates. Data obtained from 1,610 t respondents aged 11-17, who
currently smoked, from the Gambian Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) of 2017
were analysed. The prevalence of intention to quit was reported by age, sex,
smoking frequency, parents’ and friends’ smoking statuses, perceived harm of smoking
and exposure to anti-smoking messages. Multivariate logistic regression was
used to assess the relationship between intention to quit and the above
covariates. Approximately 77.8% of adolescents, who smoked, had the
intention to quit. Notwithstanding the strong association (p<0.001) shown at
the univariate level between perceived health risks of smoking and intention to
quit, the adjusted model shows no statistically significant association between
the two (AOR = 1.59, 95% CI = 0.99 - 2.56). Those whose close
friends currently smoked were less likely to have intention to quit compared
with those who did not have any friend who smoked (AOR =3.0, 95% CI:1.34-6.74) after
adjusting for other covariates. Participants
exposed to anti-smoking messages; boys; and youths without friends who smoke
and those who smoked the least number of cigarettes had increased odds of
intending to quit smoking. These findings can guide smoking cessation
strategies. Anti-smoking messages can encourage people who smoke to quit as
well as discourage none smokers from initiating tobacco use.
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