Assessment of Tuberculosis Awareness and Perspectives among the Working Population Across Lagos State

Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be an important
public health concern in Lagos, Nigeria, as it accounts for 11% of this burden
in Nigeria. A cross-sectional study design was employed. Socio-demographic data
(age, gender, highest level of education, local government area, and employment
status) from deidentified persons who gave consent were investigated using a
structured and pretested questionnaire in a Google Form. 310 participants met
the inclusion criteria of working and living in Lagos State. In this study,
96.5% of the participants have heard of TB before; only 36.5% knew what TB is
called in their local dialect; 75.8% know TB is caused by a microorganism;
83.2% know the signs and symptoms of TB; 91.6% of the participants know the
contagiousness of TB; 91.9% admitted that importance of the knowledge of TB
endemicity in Nigeria; 66% learnt about TB in school; 45.2% of the participants
have ever been screened for TB; 9.7% implied they have TB associated stigma
behaviour; 67.7% of participants knew at least one method of TB diagnosis; only
2.9% among the participants has been diagnosed of TB; 84.2% participants are
aware that TB is curable and; only 31% of the participants have heard of TB
preventive treatment (TPT). This study has been able to examine the degree of
awareness and perspectives of tuberculosis in terms of the basic knowledge of
TB, TB screening, TB-associated stigma, TB diagnosis, TB curability and TPT
among the working population in Lagos State, this is very crucial to control TB
in the country.
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