Evaluating the Need for Competency-based Training Initiatives: To Increase Self-efficacy and Leadership Skills among Middle Managers in Jamaican Public Schools

The study seeks to explore the concepts of self-efficacy,
competency-based training and leadership as they relate to middle managers in
Jamaican public schools. The overall purpose of this research is to encourage
research centred around garnering the perspectives of key stakeholders of
education. The research seeks to ascertain whether or not purposeful
competency-based training programmes are required for current and prospective
middle managers, to increase their levels of self-efficacy and leadership skillsets
to perform optimally in their roles. Many studies have purported that
leadership in primary and secondary schools in Jamaica is an area which
requires much focus and intervention for the desired outcomes to be realized.
Priority needs to be placed on leaders building on their repertoire of
competencies and self-efficacy so they can be better at what they do. In so
doing they will be stronger as leaders and better equipped to lead and ascend
to higher levels. The researcher seeks to collect the viewpoints of
administrators, middle managers and classroom teachers in Jamaican public
schools; using a structured and quantitative research approach, specifically
employing a survey method. The research seeks to examine the areas of concern
identified and provide support structures and much-needed information about
addressing training and competency needs. The research also aims to encourage
further research in this area. In so doing, greater awareness will be brought
about regarding self-efficacy, competency-based training and leadership of
middle managers in public schools in Jamaica.
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