Perceived Sociocultural Factors Associated with Violence Against Men and Preventive Strategies for its Reduction among Married Men in Ibadan, Nigeria

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.11.03.Art019

Authors : Adebukola Shogbamu


Domestic abuse against males is prevalent yet often undetected due to societal silence and stigma; this paper explores the sociocultural factors and preventive strategies for addressing Violence Against Men (VAM) among married men in Ibadan, Nigeria. This study employed a descriptive mixed-method approach in Ibadan's five LGAs, administering 600 semi-structured questionnaires to married men and conducting 20 FGDs with community gatekeepers, with data analyzed using NVivo 10 for qualitative data and SPSS for quantitative data. Respondents, aged 23-64 with a mean of 45.07 years, mostly had secondary education (47.7%), were artisans (47.2%), Muslims (61.2%), and Yorubas (95.3%). Among them, 90.7% believed heavy alcohol and drug use by women could lead to abuse, 69.8% felt financial superiority could cause abuse, and FGD participants identified factors like social and educational status, cultural beliefs, employment, and lack of home training as contributors to domestic violence against men. Preventive strategies for reducing the violence against men mentioned by the respondents include public enlightenment using mass and social media and the provision of counselling services, including premarital counselling. Legal provisions should be introduced to protect men from violence or threats of violence directed against them by their abusive partners.


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