Perspectives of Administrators, Middle Managers and Classroom Teachers of Competency-based Leadership Training Initiatives on Self-efficacy

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.11.03.Art012

Authors : Maxine Coates-Brown, Lissett Pickens


The primary aim of this study is to determine whether or not middle managers' self-efficacy levels impact their leadership effectiveness and to also determine to what extent competency-based training needs exist among middle managers. Additionally, the study seeks to ascertain whether a compulsory competency-based approach to middle managers training can be taken to resolve training needs. Studies have shown that self-efficacy, the extent to which an individual believes tasks can be accomplished, is a fairly new concept, worth researching, as it adds much value to the areas of education and psychology. Effective leadership at all educational organizations is paramount to guarantee greater success in Jamaican schools. Middle managers in primary and secondary schools in Jamaica are senior teachers, with Posts of Special Responsibilities (POSR); these leaders hold strategic leadership posts and execute multiple job functions. The overall purpose of this research is to encourage research and bring about greater awareness to the area of middle managers’ self-efficacy, leadership and competency-based training in public schools in Jamaica. Exploring this concept, the research will seek to address areas of concern, provide much-needed information and support structures aimed at exploring the areas of concern, address training needs, and serve as a pointer for further research. The researcher seeks to collect the viewpoints of administrators, middle managers and classroom teachers in Jamaican public schools; using a structured and quantitative research approach, specifically employing a survey method.


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