Traits and Skills Required by Project Managers to Complete Construction Projects in Guyana's Civil Engineering Firms

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.11.02.Art005

Authors : Latchman Singh, S. P. Sreekala


This paper will highlight the important features of Project Management Traits and Skills and identify the most effective skill set to produce a successful Construction Project. The paper is laid out with a general introduction of the key concepts of Project Management, specifically Construction Project Management, it then examines the crucial traits, skills, and characteristics and determines based on research of works completed as to the combination that is most likely to achieve project success. It was established that Interpersonal skills, leadership, effective communication, and prompt technical skills were likely to produce the most successful project. The purpose of the research study is to place, in the research linguistics, the methods and instruments to be used in the research model, from the location of the type of study and the design of the research; its world or population; its samples; and the instruments and techniques of data collection. The techniques used in this study will be based on the literature, review of standards of traits and skills, studies, and research undertaken previously, which will allow to gather the information needed to make findings and conclusions and develop the Risk Management Plan. The result was identifying traits and skills needed by Project Managers to compete and complete construction projects and how project managers must operate and respect the professional codes of their field, particularly the responsibilities that surround all facets of project management.


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