Enhancing Strategic Planning for High - Performance of Catholic Institutions in Zambia

The Church is a non-profit commonweal and
service organization. She exists for the promotion of integral human development. She does
this through her institutions of education, health, spiritual - pastoral and
social welfare. However, most of these Catholic institutions
are managed with insufficient strategic planning. As a result, low performance characterizes
them. The focus of this paper is enhancing strategic
planning for high - performance of Catholic institutions in Zambia. It underscores
the need for strategic planning for efficient and effective management of
Catholic institutions and identifies deficient proficiency because of inadequate
strategic planning. The study was conducted in seven (7) institutions in Lusaka District and
some parts of Central Province. The sample size was 257. There were 252
questionnaires which were administered purposively and randomly to first line,
middle and top leadership, and management positions, and 5 in-depth interviews were
purposively carried out. The research discovered that Catholic institutions were not proficient because they did
not have a clear
vision, precise policies and procedures, sufficient financial capacity and did
not have the ability to adapt to changing times. Recommendations were made thus, to build capacity of leaders and
managers in the areas of management audit, leadership and management
development, and strategic management. Theoretically, the results can be generalised to all
Catholic institutions in Zambia.
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