Research Output and Knowledge Translation Among Faculty Members of University of Technology, Jamaica

Universities are very
important assets to produce research knowledge. The three major
responsibilities of university faculty members are teaching, research, and
community service. Balancing these three responsibilities is often very
challenging, and the work that suffers most is research. The government of
every nation looks up to its universities to produce research knowledge. The
goal is to investigate the research output and knowledge translation among
faculty members at Jamaica’s national university. A descriptive quantitative
cross-sectional design was used for this study. This design was used to collect
data from faculty members at one point in time. Most of the respondents (56.3%)
perceived a lack of protected time for research as a barrier to research
productivity. Seventy-five percent of the respondents reported having published
one research article as the first author in the last two years. The majority
(75%) of the respondents have concerns about the research policy of the
university. The most common perceived barrier to knowledge translation (KT) was
a lack of awareness of the concept of KT. The faculty members are experiencing
challenges in conducting research and translating research findings.
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