Empowering and Equipping Parents with the Basic Intervention Skills in Handling their Children with Special Learning Needs

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.11.01.Art007

Authors : Bryan V. Catama, Marilyn L. Balmeo, Teresita Dinoc Ignacio, Sheila Marie C. Magat


Parents of children with special learning needs face challenges balancing family needs without sacrificing care. For remote communities, difficulty accessing support compounds struggles. This qualitative phenomenological study explored an extension intervention program's effectiveness empowering parents of children with special needs. Through interviews with participating parents, thematic analysis revealed the program helped in three key empowerment dimensions. Firstly, parents transitioned from limited disability understanding to increased knowledge through educational resources. Secondly, feelings of isolation changed to supportive social networks via connections. Finally, the program equipped parents with resilience skills/mindsets moving from hopelessness towards effective coping. The multidimensional model addressed interrelated cognitive, social and emotional issues impacting parenting. Findings provide valuable insights how holistic, community programs successfully empower/support these families. Further research understands long term impacts and relationships to child outcomes.

Keywords: Coping skills, Disability intervention, Family-centered care, Parental empowerment, Resilience, Special needs children


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