Managing Corporate Reputation, Stakeholder Relations, and Corporate Social Responsibility Using Best Practice Public Relations Strategy: A Nigerian Perspective

Studies have proven that the reputation of any organisation is
an aftermath of a robust relationship between that organisation and its stakeholders.
The relationships that exist between these stakeholders are also on the grounds
of the interrelationship existing between the organisation and its publics and the
social behaviour of the organisation and the stakeholders who are also the publics
of an organisation thereafter. For this reason, an organisations’ reputation among
its stakeholders is in accordance with the treatment the organisation gives its
publics that translate into a corporate image and then to corporate reputation which
on the whole informs the reputation the stakeholders would have later. The purpose of this paper is to identify the managerial role
of managing corporate reputation, stakeholder relations, and corporate social responsibility
of an organisation especially in Nigeria. The relationships that exist between these
three key concepts; corporate reputation, stakeholder relations, and corporate social
responsibility from a managerial perspective of corporate public relations strategies
identifies and places organisations in the eyes of their publics as reputable. The
study is relying on the postulation of the stakeholder theory which attempts to
present a model that looks at who or what really is of essence. It hinges on the
assumption that organisations, whether private or public, have an obligation to
serve groups that constitutes into that organisation’s publics.
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