Decentralized Clinical Trials – Systematic Review of Methods, Awareness, and Inclusiveness in Clinical Research

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.04.Art010

Authors : Srividhya Narasimhan, Vishnubalaji Radhakrishnan


"Decentralised" trials (also known as hybrid, remote, or virtual trials) are the trials that covers a wide range of services and solutions that can be mixed and matched based on the conditions, preferences, and needs of patients, clinical locations, and sponsors. The research on Decentralised Clinical Trials is carried out through a series of interviews to better understand the perspectives of stakeholders involved in the DCT and how the industry accelerates and fast tracks the digital transformation to strive for paperless and patient-centric outcomes. In the present study, the data Collection were performed through extensive survey with the detailed questionnaire on the awareness of DCT, applied DCT tools in their research project, benefits and challenges overcome during the trial and DCT applications during the list of study phases, timeframe for using the rapid adoption of DCT.  The current study's findings give significant evidence that decentralised clinical trials offer a promising new strategy to clinical research, allowing for speedier, more efficient, and more flexible study designs. DCTs are set to become an increasingly essential element of the clinical research landscape as digital technologies evolve and improve, providing new opportunities to enhance healthcare outcomes for all.The use of DCT in clinical trials has the potential to overcome a number of important drug development difficulties. DCT solutions may improve easier data collection, patient adherence and overall retention rates in addition to improving patient access and convenience.
Keywords: Anticipated challenges, Clinical trials, COVID pandemic; Decentralized trials, Feasibility; Health care.


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