Assessing the Customer Behaviour in Relation to Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) in Some Ghanaian Banks in the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly- Kumasi, Ghana

Although other payment methods are
available, like card, cheque, mobile, and online payments, most Ghanaians still
use the cash payment system. The study examined how Ghanaian customers felt about
using electronic payments. These included determining thesector andctors that influence
consumer adoption and use of electronic payment services in Ghanaian banks, examining
customer satisfaction with e-payment in the banking sector, and preventing fraud.
A sample size of 100 participants was chosen for the study using purposive sampling
to select participants from the banks and systematic sampling to select participants
from the customers. According to the research’s findings, factors such as usability,
security, privacy, the caliber of the after-sales support, marketing mix, and reputation
affect consumers’ opinions of electronic payment systems. According to the study,
customers are satisfied with the value offered for their banking requirements and
the opportunity to experiment with e-payments in the banking sector. The study also
found that while customers’ top concerns are trust and security, barriers to e-commerce
include a low internet penetration rate, fewer users, expensive and challenging
e-commerce technology, and a lack of progress in other supporting industries. Trust
and security are significant deterrents against using electronic payment systems.
The ability of consumers and banks to reach a larger market and participate in the
world payment system is another way that technology can help the economy. Stakeholders
should offer the unbanked sufficient assurances of security for utilizing electronic
payment systems on their privacy without requiring them to maintain accounts with
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