Factors Affecting the Success of an Organization: The Case of Zambian Breweries

main purpose of this study was to assess the factors that affect the success of
an organisation. A questionnaire was the main method used to collect data.
Respondents answered to a survey that was distributed using the Google Forms
platform. The survey found that Zambian Breweries’ organizational structures
enabled the management systems to efficiently run the company and boost
production in order to help it reach its goals and objectives. Other systems that
support the structure of the Zambian Breweries, make it possible to hire the
right people for the right jobs and place them in the suitable required
positions. The human resource policies and processes in place, the company was
able to effectively carry out its strategic planning by having competent
personnel and aligning their aptitudes, expertise, and talents to the needs of
the Zambian Breweries. It was also found that the management’s successful
upkeep of internal communication, the staff were able to understand the short-
and long-term goals as well as the direction the company was pursuing.
Additionally, effective communication enabled personnel to receive timely
feedback, boosting morale and enabling high performance even under tough
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