Factors Associated with Accessibility and Utilization of Adolescent Health Services in Chingola, Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.02.Art005

Authors : Judith Musonda, Samson Banda


The purpose of this paper was to explore the factors associated with accessibility and utilization of adolescent health services in Chingola, Zambia. The study was done among secondary school students in their junior and senior grades. Data were collected from four focus group discussions and four key informants’ interviews. Data management analysis principles illuminating verbatim quotations are used to illustrate findings. The study findings indicate that lack of information and stigmatization were some of the factors identified to be the barriers to adolescents’ health. The paper further outlines the proposed solutions which include establishing and strengthening the linkage between the schools and health facilities adolescent health services and creating awareness among the adolescents. Further, the paper gives the future direction that clinics and health centres should take advantage of technology and use electronic means to increase awareness of available reproductive health services for adolescents and that they should have door to door programs for the community aimed at sensitizing adolescents on reproductive health. In conclusion, it is indicated that improving the utilization of adolescent health services is a global dream. This dream can be realized only if the efforts are made to reach the adolescent population.

Keywords: Accessibility, Adolescent Health Services, Stigmatization, Utilization.


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