Light RAT-SQL: A RAT-SQL with More Abstraction and Less Embedding of Pre-existing Relations

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.02.Art001

Authors : Nathan Manzambi Ndongala


RAT-SQL is among the popular framework used in the Text-To-SQL challenges for jointly encoding the database relations and questions in a way to improve the semantic parser. In this work, we propose a light version of the RAT-SQL where we dramatically reduced the number of the preexisting relations from 55 to 7 (Light RAT-SQL-7) while preserving the same parsing accuracy. To ensure the effectiveness of our approach, we trained a Light RAT-SQL-2, (with 2 embeddings) to show that there is a statistically significant difference between RAT-SQL and Light RAT-SQL-2 while Light RAT-SQL-7 can compete with RAT-SQL.

Keywords: Deep learning, Natural Language Processing, Neural Semantic Parsing, Relation Aware Transformer, RAT-SQL, Text-To-SQL, Transformer.


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