Supervisor-Supervisee Relations and Job Performance: Study of Healthcare Field Officers in Chongwe, Zambia
The power of
praise in the workplace can move employees from apathy or resentment to happiness
and productivity. Reinforcement such as positive reinforcement makes people feel
appreciated and encouraged, which can be motivating and rewarding. An observational
study aimed at examining the relationship between motivation and employee performance
using through the lens of the Reinforcement Theory of Motivation on Job Performance
was conducted on a Team of Healthcare Field Workers. Purposive sampling of twenty
(20) Healthcare Field Workers from Chongwe Rural District of Zambia was done with
whom a series of both negative and positive reinforcement strategies were applied.
The final outcome of the study revealed a significant positive change from 5% to
30% of the overall staff performance on the targets in just four (4) weeks. Such
an outcome definitely demonstrated that by using a system of positive or negative
reinforcements, individuals could learn the correct set of responses for any given
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