The Benefits of Technological Developments on Businesses: A Survey Conducted among SMEs in Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.SE.22.02.Art012

Authors : Rodrigue Kalumendo


New technologies are considerably influencing companies for information system implementation every year. This trend has led many people, including business managers and researchers, to question the benefits of technology to business. While Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries, particularly those in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), are gradually digitalizing their information systems, To our knowledge, very few studies to analyze the benefits of technologies on DRC SMEs have been conducted. This study, therefore, sought to place itself in the Congolese context to find out about the benefits of digitalized information system. 119 SMEs that have been using information system technologies for at least two years were selected for data collection. Descriptive statistics and Pearsons correlation were used for the data analysis. The findings from the study show that SMEs derive certain benefits from the use of technology and have improved organizational system performance that including an increase in profit, optimized time management, reduced paperwork, improved information quality, and improved financial reporting quality. The results also reveal that the more a company invests in technology, the more benefits it receives.


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