Epidemics and Vaccination Dilemma in Complex Networks: A Case Study of Kosefe and Shomolu Local Government Area Lagos Nigeria
is undoubtedly one of the foremost important preventive measures of modern times;
epidemics are feared as one of the most damaging phenomena in human societies. Aim:
The thesis unveiled how the interplay between the probability of infection, vaccine
effectiveness, and cost gives rise to non–linear responses in vaccine uptake. The
study design was a cross-sectional descriptive study that used pretested closed-ended
questionnaire that was distributed to the respondents. The sample size of 375 was
adopted, which was calculated from the target population using the Cochrane formula
for sample size calculation. Parents/guardians that strongly believe politicians
should be role models that encourage vaccination were 61.87%, while 50.67% of mothers/caregivers
were not sure if there is still a link between MMR vaccination and autism. The majority
of parents/guardians (55.47% + 29.87%) strongly agree plus agree that media reports
on vaccination programmes encourage them to vaccinate their children. 32.80% strongly
agree, and 22.40% agree that the media exaggerates reports about disease outbreaks.
Conclusion: The level of education plays an important role in the level of knowledge
and attitude towards epidemics and vaccination. Income and Cost of vaccines affect
vaccination uptake because of the present economic situation in Nigeria. Media plays
a key role in vaccination campaigns, awareness, and intervention and should be promoted
more to achieve the goal of ensuring all children are vaccinated properly. Doctors
and Public Health Nurses have a major role to play in terms of influencing parents/guardian’s
vaccination uptake.
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