Effect of Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines on Severity in Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle-cell disease is among the commonest
severe monogenic global disorders. At the centre of sickle cell disease physiopathology
is the polymerisation haemoglobin, resulting in erythrocytes become rigid and vascular
occlusion. It has been hypothesized that the Duffy glycoprotein (Fy) on erythrocytes
may enhance clearance of inflammatory cytokines. This may have an impact on the
initiation and development of vascular occlusion in Sickle cell disease. The aim
of this study was to determine whether or not the Duffy genotype is in any way linked
with the severity of clinical disease in Sickle cell disease patients. Those who
were hospitalized >4 times in the previous year because of Vaso-occlusive crisis
were classified as having a severe phenotype. Duffy genotypes were determined by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), then Sty1 restriction endonuclease enzyme analysis. A
total of 193 participants (133 cases and 60 controls) were recruited for the study.
Vaso-occlusive crises
were absent in more than half (58.5%) of the cases. Vaso-occlusive crisis per year
occurred three times and four times at 5.2% and 1.65%, respectively. The number
of vascular occlusions per year was highest in the 18-28 years and 29-39
years age groups. All the participants were genotyped
as homozygotes for Duffy null genotype (FY*B-33/FY*B-33) and categorised as Fy(a-b-).
No associations between Duffy genotype and number
of VOCs per year was obtained. All the samples analysed were
genotyped as Duffy negative homozygous [Fy(a-b-)]. No association
between Duffy genotype and number of was vascular occlusion found.
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