Problem Based Learning in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics for Pre-Service Teachers in Ghana: A Literature Review

Problem based learning (PBL)
was first introduced in medical education and its success stories have led to its
implementation in other disciplines. However, literature has not revealed its implementation
and subsequent effectiveness in teacher education in Ghana. This paper reviewed
past studies into PBL implementation in teacher education and Mathematics education
relative to the traditional methods of teaching Mathematics at the Colleges of Education
(COE) in Ghana. Through this literature review, it is largely noticed that PBL pedagogical
strategy has proven to be more effective compared to the traditional methods of
teaching. This implies that the strategy could contribute to effective Mathematics
delivery at the Colleges of Education for pre-service teachers. Consequently, it
is expected that learners will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
in Mathematics at the basic schools where these pre-service teachers will be deployed
to teach. The review has identified three research gaps that require further investigations.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Mathematics, Pre-service teachers,
Traditional teaching method
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