The Magnitude and Factors Associated with Antiretroviral Therapy Defaulting in Mabutsane District

This study sought to analyse
the magnitude and factors associated with antiretroviral therapy defaulting
using the patient electronic medical record system in Mabutsane health
Objectives of the study are:
to establish the factors associated with defaulting ARV and to analyse the
outcomes of ARV defaulter.
A retrospective
cross-sectional survey was conducted. The target population for this research
is adult clients on antiretroviral therapy registered in Mabutsane between
December 2011 and December 2013. Descriptive statistics, x2 test and cross
tabulation was used to analyse data.
Mabutsaneclinic has a
defaulter rate of 11.3%. .More males (64.3%) defaulted treatment than females
(35.7%). Majority 13 clients (92.9%) were on treatment for more than 1 year
before defaulting.
Reasons for defaulting ART
are as follow: Substances abused 42.9%, side effect of drugs 21.4%, Transport
14.3%, Work 14.3% and Religion7.1%. Mortality rate among defaulter stand at
No significant statistic
relation between social economic variables (sex, substances abused, marriage
status, and employment status) and variable defaulter was found in our study.
Mabutsane health district
has a lower defaulter rate as compared to most of the African countries;
however this rate is above the Botswana one in 2013.
No significant association
between social economic variables and defaulter was found.
Factors such as substances
abused, work, transport etc…have been mentioned as reasons for defaulting.
Case fatality rate among
defaulters was low than what was observed in most of the Sub Saharan Africa
Mabutsane has a low
defaulter rate.
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