An Assessment of the Knowledge and Practices of Mothers on Home Management of Diarrhoea in the under Five Children at the Medicalised Health Center Nkwen, North West-Cameroon
has been and is still one of the highest threats to the lives of children below
five years. According to millennium development goal, the fourth goal aims at
reducing child mortality and morbidity to 2/3 from 1990 to 2015. Diarrhea remains the second leading cause of death among children
under five years globally [Adimoraet al (2011)]. Nearly one in five child
deaths, about 1.5 million each year, are due to diarrhea [Ansari et al (2011)].
Northern Cameroon estimated approximately 18500 diarrhoea episodes and
3696 RVA-associated child mortality occurred in Cameroon annually (Parasharet
al, 2003). Many children under five who come to that hospital suffer from
diarrhea they have been a steady rise ain the prevalence of diarrhoea among
children under five in Cameroon and word (WHO 2004). Therefore, this study aims
at assessing the knowledge and practices of mothers on home management of
diarrhea in under five.
descriptive cross-sectional study design was used to assess the knowledge, and
practices of the mother in the home management of diarrhea. Targets were mothers
in home management of diarrhea in children (0-5 years) who came in IWC, ANC
units at the Nkwen Medicalised Health Center within the period of study. The
instrument of data collection was a structured questionnaire, Microsoft Excel
2010 was used for analysis and data presented on tables, pie charts, histograms
and Bar charts.
current study revealed that mothers have inadequate knowledge on home
management of diarrhoea 90(60%). They had negative practices towards the home management
of diarrhoea and the use of ORS/zinc tablets as recommended by WHO was very low
(29%) as compared to the use of drugs and traditional medicine. According to
USAID and Experts worldwide (2002), success in the reduction of deaths and
illnesses due to diarrhoea in childhood depends on the acceptance of the
scientific basis and benefits of ORT by governments and medical communities.
is need to educate mothers on home management of diarrhea using scientific
bases to reduce infant mortality from diarrhea.
Keywords: knowledge and practices, diarrhea, under five
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