Innovative Nursing Approaches in Managing Lower Back Pain (Lbp) Among the Elderly Persons .A Case Study in Maridi County, Western Equatorial State, South Sudan

elderly generation, coexists with the rest of the population of the world
(Jared T. Scott 2010).They
suffer a great deal of several kinds of pain including lower back pain. In most
cases this condition in the elderly is not managed by use of nursing
interventions rather managed with other medical remedies, and yet the client
spend most of their times with nurses, than, other health workers. This case
study addressed the gap that could be filled by nurses by using innovative
means in nursing to relieve pain of lower back in the elderly by ideal
assessment then given specified nursing interventions to a specific individual,
so as to avoid disabilities. Sackett et al (2000).
Conclusion: Disabilities in elderly
related conditions can be assessed and managed by nursing intervention hence
preventing disabilities in the geriatric patients.
Recommendations: Nurses needs to be
trained with more contemporary skills in assessing LBP, suggesting that the
knowledge of nurse with higher qualification is paramount to meet the fourth
coming challenges in the management of the elderly with LBP.
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