Knowledge Attitude and Practice Towards Pre-M Aritial/Prenatal Genetic Testing among Young People (15-45) Years of Age in Sapele Local Government Area, Delta State. Nigeria

This study investigated knowledge, attitude and
practice toward premarital/prenatal genetic testing among young people of
15-45years of age in Sapele Local Government Area in Delta State Nigeria.
Descriptive survey research design was used. The population of the study
consisted of the members of four major communities (Amukpe, Amuogoddo, Okirighwe
and Uguanja). The respondents were selected by simple random sampling method.
The research instrument was a self-constructed questionnaire. A total of 50
respondents were selected. A total 50 questionnaire were distributed and same
retrieved. The objectives of the study were to determine level of knowledge of
premarital/prenatal genetic testing among young people, to assess the level of
practice and to identify factors influencing their attitude towards
premarital/prenatal genetic testing. The rational is to enhance young people’s
knowledge about premarital/prenatal genetic testing, encourage
premarital/prenatal genetic screening and also reduces some of the factors
influencing attitudes of young people towards premarital/prenatal genetic
testing. Data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentages and were
presented using tables and graphs. The study shows that 30% of the respondent
level of knowledge of premarital/premarital genetic testing is of high level,
70% of the respondents have low level of knowledge and the source of
information was through media (20%), health personnel (40%), friends (6%) etc.
The study also showed that the level of practice is low as 80% of the
respondent does not practice premarital/prenatal genetic testing, only 20%
practiced it. it also shows that there are some factors influencing their
attitudes towards premarital/prenatal genetic testing which include lack of
knowledge (66%), non affordability (20%), non Accessibility (55) and also as a
result of non availabilities of centers (15%) where premarital/prenatal genetic
testing should be carried out. In conclusion, lack of basic knowledge, negative
attitude and practice has a negative impact on the young people, their family, their
community and the society as a whole. It is therefore recommended that effort
should be made by government, parents, and health personnel to improve
knowledge, attitude and practice towards premarital/prenatal genetic testing
thereby reducing the incidence rate of having children with genetic defect.
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