The Risk of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security and the Role of Humans
This paper will present and analyze
reported failures of artificially intelligent systems and extrapolate our analysis
to future AIs. I suggest that both the frequency and the seriousness of future AI
failures will steadily increase. AI Safety can be improved based on ideas developed
by cybersecurity experts. For narrow AIs safety failures are at the same, moderate,
level of criticality as in cybersecurity, however for general AI, failures have
a fundamentally different impact. A single failure of a super intelligent system
may cause a catastrophic event without a chance for recovery. The goal of cybersecurity
is to reduce the number of successful attacks on the system; the goal of AI Safety
is to make sure zero attacks succeed in bypassing the safety mechanisms. Unfortunately,
such a level of performance is unachievable. Every security system will eventually
fail; there is no such thing as a 100% secure system. Future generations may look
back at our time and identify it as one of intense change. In a few short decades,
we have morphed from a machine-based society to an information-based society, and
as this Information Age continues to mature, society has been forced to develop
a new and intimate familiarity with data-driven and algorithmic systems. Artificial
agents to refer to devices and decision-making aids that rely on automated, data-
driven, or algorithmic learning procedures. Such agents are becoming an intrinsic
part of our regular decision-making processes. Their emergence and adoption lead
to a bevy of related policy questions.
Keywords: AI
Safety, Cybersecurity, Failures, Super intelligence, Algorithms, Advanced Persistent
Threats (APT).
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